Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sick, Sick, Sick ...

Girls in bed Friday night ... sick, sick, sick .. but still smiling!

On the way home from the doctor on Friday .. both of them slept most of the day, including the ride home from picking up the antibiotics!!

Sick of being sick over here.

Hannah has missed so much school this year (well, not as much as with Aplastic Anemia!!) & this past week was no different!!   On Thursday night she started complaining that her ear was hurting.  Not like Hannah to complain of pain.  I asked her on a scale of 1 -10, what is your pain level.  A "6" she says ... which for her is very high!  I gave her pain meds & said we'd go to the doctor in the morning.

I turned off the alarm for school knowing she wasn't going.  That morning Lily was warm & coughing all over the place as well.  The girls & I went to the doctor and  BOTH had double ear infections.  Hannah's temp hit 106 and Lily's was around 102.  Just nuts.

The most adorable thing is how they both take care of each other -- even when they feel totally miserable.  On Friday morning I was walking Hannah back to my bed from the bathroom -- she'd been laying on the bathroom floor because the room was spinning (from her high fever).  On the way back Lily pops into the room to hand Hannah a special project she had made & glued together for her (a bunch of scrap papers all glued to a big piece of paper -- oh the joy of sissors & a glue stick!).  As sick as Hannah was, she took the paper & said in the sweetest voice, "oh thank you Lily -- I love it"   So cute!!   

Later that night, we were camped out in my room watching What About Bob (I've lost count how many times we have watched that movie since Hannah got it for Christmas from Auntie Mom & fam).  Lily was coughing & all of the sudden started throwing up.  Hannah jumps out of bed & starts patting Lily saying "it's OK, honey ... it's Ok, honey," while I was grabbing towels & a wet wash cloth. 

So sweet how these sisters love each other & look after each other even when they both feel downright miserable.

I am a blessed mom to my two most precious girls ... what a gift each day is ... even when I am cleaning up barf, scheduling medications & going a bit nuts with it all.

I still count it as joy ... life at home!!

All God's Best from HOME in KY,

1 comment:

  1. Oh no..what a weekend you had.
    I hope your 2 girls start feeling better soon. We had a ton of kids out of school last week. We only had 2 in our room but the other Kindergarten room had 11 (out of 25) out sick. Hugs to all of you:)
