Tuesday, November 10, 2009

And we went to clinic today ....

& they weren't even expecting us. I guess Hannah's name never made it to the schedule but they took us after a few minutes of waiting & Hannah got blood drawn. We made a lot of jokes with the nurse about port accessing. So thankful that we are not doing that anymore!!!!!!!!!!!! It is just amazing to go to clinic, have Hannah bring her line out from underneath her shirt that is attached to her body & have her blood drawn. No stress. No tension. Clinic is just plain fun to see friends :-) .. thank you, Lord!!! Lily can even come with us on days like this because I don't need to worry about helping Hannah get through the appointment.

Hannah's numbers came back with her platelets holding steady (once again, right around 40K) but her hemoglobin dropped to 7.7. The doctor here wants her to get red blood cells tomorrow. Jim is going to call our NIH doctor in the morning to see if they agree or if we should wait a bit longer to give her a transfusion. So disheartening to hear that her hemoglobin dropped this past week.

Aplastic Anemia is just one big stinking roller coaster. I am so thankful we are home right now .. not complaining ... but I just want her healthy. I just want to know that she is 100% healed.

Guess it doesn't work that way. At least, not yet.

Ethan's bone marrow transplant happened today (it was supposed to be Monday) -- just pray he would do well as he waits for the donor cells to find their way to his bone marrow. His donor is a 20 year old guy from Germany ... just amazing to think that this young man anonymously saved this little boys life today. Incredible! There were additional complications (I guess the bag with the marrow leaked!?! They were able to recover 95% of the cells but there is concern for contamination.) Pray for no infections. My heart is just so heavy for Ethan & his family ... I guess because it all hits so close to home.

Don't take one day of healthy, happy, crazy, normal life for granted ... it can all change in an instant.

All God's best from HOME --

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that Debbie, it is so easy to take the crazy days for granted, but you are right, it can all change in an instant. My 36 year old cousin passed away last month from kidney cancer. His first symptom was a fever on Sept. 1 and he passed away on Oct. 18. I have never seen life change so quickly, it was my first experience dealing with a serious illness and death of a very close loved one (he was like a brother to me, we grew up together and our children are great friends as well). So when you say not to take any of it for granted, I am so right there with you. I look at everything in a different light right now. I know God uses these trials to shape us and sanctify us. I am amazed at how He shows His love to us even in these really difficult times. I can't even pretend to know how you have felt over the past year, but I am so encouraged when I read your posts and hear you give God glory and praise Him in the midst of all the craziness. I love the way you love the Lord, He is so good in you and His love just radiates in your posts!!! May God continue to bless you and your family.

    Hugs to you,
    Julie <><
